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Awim Expert Unitati Spalatorie Si Curatatorie Chimica
inapoi la firma 225 vizite
Poza Utilaje pentru calcat

Cabinet pentru calcat model Cosmos

Cabinet pentru calcat model Cosmos. Revolving finishing cabinet Mod. Cosmos-E Revolving finishing cabinet provides finishing for any kind of garment : - jackets , coats, dresses , etc. using the former shape; trousers , skirts , etc. using the topper shape. Fully automatic finishing cycle by digital microprocessor. No need for compressed air for the standard operation. Available with built-in boiler or ready fo connection to an external steam supply. As an extra , at your request , you can have two jackets shapes or two topper shapes on the same unit. and an extra outside ventilation kit for accurate bag adjustment before the finishing cycle or for brushing operations.

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