Ghidul Serviciilor
Editura Gil, Zalau, Salaj
inapoi la firma 115 vizite
Poza Publicatii in limba engleza
Pret: 168 RON

The name of Vasile Cirtoaje, in mathematical terms, actually equals with inequalities. Many problems from the book, their majority I would say, are obtained by the author himself. If you will carefully read the book, you may find that your skills in solving inequalities were considerably improved. However, one needs not to read every single page of this material; the chapters are independent and you may even open the book somewhere, arbitrarily, and try to solve an inequality or find its solution from the book. Also, we must add that the book is full of up to date problems, since the author is an active member of the Mathlinks Site Forum on the Internet. Last, but not least, one has to remark the outstanding tenacity and enthusiasm of the author in solving inequalities; definitely, he is a passionate of this realm of elementary mathematics. And this book is neither more, nor less than a work of a master.

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