Ghidul Serviciilor
Rubio Trading And Consulting
inapoi la firma 104 vizite
Poza Lubrifianti

Modern lubricating fluids today cover an extremely wide spectrum. They are the „elixir" for every machine. While in the past mostly mineral oils were used, today in nearly all High-Tech-Applications fully synthetic lubricating fluids are in use. New production and manufacturing processes, higher capacity utilisation of machines, reduced time and personnel resources in maintenance and service have promoted the development of more and more specialised lubricants.The extensive lubricating fluids programme of FUCHS LUBRITECH offers the widest choice of products for use in for-life and total loss lubrication. Apart from the traditional fluids based on mineral oils, there is a full range of synthetic fluids available, e.g. for use in high and low temperature applications, in the food industry and in areas where environmental constraints have to be addressed.

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