Ghidul Serviciilor
Academia Micilor Developeri - Cursuri Si Ateliere De Programare, Bucuresti
inapoi la firma 135 vizite
Poza Coding Class For Beginners in English

This online programming course is suitable for beginners, aged 9-13+,interested to access the coding world.

We will learn about programming elements and basic concepts through actual implementation while playing. We will use the well-developed programming software designed especially for children and we will learn about the concepts that any programmer in the world is familiar with.

In each class, we will develop our own project, from simple to complex ones, so as to foster the children’s programming logic and their algorithmic thinking. We will get familiar with the concepts of variables, loops, conditions and algorithmic thinking.

In each session we will develop a game! We will have fun and learn at the same time!

What are we learning? What is the structure of the courses?
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