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Poza Control Z-Wave

HomePro Z-Wave USB Adapter ZCU201The ACT USB adapter connects a PC to a Z-Wave network using the USB interface. The unit conveys the USB signals to a serial interface and does therefore need a device driver for this conversion function. The operating system and the Z-Wave capable home automation software recognize the device as virtual serial interface.PC software communicates with the device via this serial port using the serial API-protocol of Z-Wave, which is described in the document “Z-Wave Application Programmers Guide, INS10247”. This standard protocol of Z-Wave is used by many home automation software solutions like* IP Symcon* Homeseer* Embedded Automation* 4HomeMedia* ControlThink.* Wireless behaviour: transmitter and receiver depending on software solution * OS -Support: o Windows XP, Vista, 98 o Linux: Red Hat * Z-Wave type: static controller * Distance: up to 50 m * Display: LED backlighting * Interface: USB * Local operations: - * Power supply: via USB interface

-Tricklestar Z-Wave USB AdapterThe Tricklestar USB Adapter connects a PC to a Z-Wave network using the USB interface. The unit conveys the USB signals to a serial interface and does therefore need a device driver for this conversion function. The operating system and the Z-Wave capable home automation software recognise the device as virtual serial interface. PC software communicates with the device via this serial port using the serial API-protocol of Z-Wave, which is described in the document “Z-Wave Application Programmers Guide, INS10247”. This standard protocol of Z-Wave is used by many home automation software solutions like* IP Symcon* Homeseer* Embedded Automation* 4HomeMedia* ControlThink.* Wireless behaviour: transmitter and receiver depending on software solution * OS -Support: o Windows XP, Vista, 98 o Linux: Red Hat o Mac OS 10.1, 10.5 * Z-Wave type: static controller * Distance: up to 50 m * Display: LED * Interface: USB * Local operations: N/A * Power supply: via USB interface

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