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Poza Covoare moderne/create de designeri
10X-round Colet de 2 70x70 Design by: Asier Erguin Spain I was born in Zarautz on the 11th of April 1971. I graduated with a degree in Plastic Arts and Design with a speciality in Graphical Design. I began to work with design in 1997 for the Agency of Publicity SEGMENTO (Donostia); In 2000, I worked for NTO (Donostia) and from 2002, I have been an Art director of Ederpack Comunicación Gráfica (Zarautz). I work independently with a clear design philosophy based on ideas and concepts, working with the esthetical too. The experience I gained these past years in many different fields has enriched my vision of graphical communication, giving me the opportunity to create my own style.
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