Ghidul Serviciilor
Gold Label Com
inapoi la firma 1496 vizite
Poza Alune maruntite

Sunt alune prajite, prelucrate mecanic si omogenizate, cu diverse granulatii, in functie de solicitarile clientului. Utilizare Se utilizeaza in principal in patiserie si cofetarie pentru ornare si glazuri.  DetaliiCALIBRATIONBetween 1-12 mm with 2,3,4 mm size differencesPACKING 0.5/1/2/5/10/12.5/20/25 kg vacuum+cartons500/750/800/1000 kg NET big bags or vacuum big bags STANDARD MARKING Description, size, crop, producer, origin, weight, lot, best beforeSHELF LIFE 12 months in vacuum (storage under 10-15°C, RH max., 65%)ORGANOLEPTIC APPEARANCE UniformTASTE/ODOUR Typical roasted hazelnut taste, free from foreign odoursTEXTURE CrispyCOLOUR Typical, light yellow, golden yellow, light brown according to the requested roasting degreeCHEMICAL&PHYSICAL MOISTURE 3 % max. (BLANCHED & DICED 5 % max.)FAT CONTENT55 - 68 %FREE FATTY ACIDS 1 % max.PEROXIDE 1 mEq/kg max.AFLATOXIN B1 In conformity with importing country's regulationsAFLATOXIN B1+B2+G1+G2 In conformity with importing country's regulationsFOREIGN MATTERS 0,005 % max.SKIN PARTS, DUST 0.5 % max.UNDER/OVER CALIBRE (+/-) 10 % max.MICROBIOLOGICAL TOTAL PLATE COUNT 2000/gr max.SALMONELLA absent/ 25 grCOLIFORM absent/grE. COLI absent/grMOULD & YEAST 100 cfu/ gr max.S. AEREUS absent/grENTEROBACTERIACEAE 10 cfu/gr max

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