Ghidul Serviciilor
Gold Label Com
inapoi la firma 1496 vizite
Poza Alune prajite

Sunt alune prelucrate termic, semi-prajite, cu durata lunga de viata si reprezinta o materie prima vitala pentru industria ciocolatei, fiind in acelasi timp produsul de baza pentru consumul uman direct. Utilizare Principalul domeniu de utilizare a acestor alune este fabricarea ciocolatei, pentru consum direct si in cofetarie. Se pot livra in mai multe grade de prajire, conform cerintelor clientului.  DetaliiCALIBRATION From 9 up to 15+ mm with 1-2 mm size differencesPACKING 0,5/1/2/5/10/12,5/20/25 kg vacuum+cartons 25 kg G/N paper/jute bags, 50 kg G/N jute bags (inner nylon) 500/750/800/1000 kg NET big bags or vacuum big bagsSTANDARD MARKING Description, size, crop, producer, origin, weight, lot, best before SHELF LIFE 12 months (storage under 10-15o C; RH max. 65%)ORGANOLEPTICAPPEARANCEUniform, whole and sound kernelsTASTE/ODOURTypical fresh roasted hazelnut taste, free from foreign odoursTEXTURECrispy and crunchyCOLOURTypical, light yellow, golden yellow, light brown according to the requested roasting degreeCHEMICAL&PHYSICAL MOISTURE2% max.FAT CONTENT55 - 68 % FREE FATTY ACIDS1 % max. PEROXIDE 1 mEq/kg max.AFLATOXIN B1 In conformity with importing country's regulationsAFLATOXIN B1+B2+G1+G2 In conformity with importing country's regulationsFOREIGN MATTERS 10 pcs / t max (Including shell pieces, dust, other foreign matters)PARTLY SKINNED 8 % max.SKIN PARTS, DUST 0.5 % max.MOULDED,LEMONOUS,SOUR,RANCID 1 % max.BROKEN 2 % max.MECHANICALLY DAMAGED 10 % max.SHRIVELLED 2 % max.OTHER GROUP RATIO 10 % max.UNDER/OVER CALIBRE (+/-) 10 % max. MICROBIOLOGICALTOTAL PLATE COUNT 2000/gr max.SALMONELLA absent/ 25 grCOLIFORM absent/grE. COLI absent/grMOULD & YEAST 100 cfu/gr max.S. AEREUS absent/grENTEROBACTERIACEAE 10 cfu/gr max.

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