Ghidul Serviciilor
Industry Transilvan - Paturi Si Mobilier Din Lemn Masiv, Gheorgheni
inapoi la firma 4272 vizite
Poza Linii pentru producerea panourilor

Circular de optimizat MPC NC 180

This machine is intended for cutting small-diameter battens. It is also suitable for cutting hardwood (oak, beech) and softwood (spruce, fir, pine). Errors are marked with chalk. The workpieces are inserted into the machine by a feed arm. When the feed arm is retracted to its original position, it is raised and concealed in the feed mechanism casing. The feed-arm return position can be adjusted to fit the length of the strips The machine is very fast and can cut up to 5 4-metre pieces (with 6-8 cuts per piece) per minute. The feed system is designed for various workpiece lengths.

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