Ghidul Serviciilor
Itbc - European Tour Operator
inapoi la firma 198 vizite
Poza Pateneriat
The agent is the most widespread form of co-operation. Becoming the agent of our company, you receive significant benefit. The agent acquires the right to see internal prices which considerably differ from the public prices. The agent has an opportunity to public articles on our web site, which will be shown to all registered users. These articles can be directed as on advertising of services of your agency and also can hasve an information character. For example ,presence of empty seats or search of pair on concrete tour. Except for these benefits that in itself already gives strong advantage, the agency is added in the list of tourist agencies, where tourist can buy our tour or service. Except for all these benefits ,the agency gets information support from Tour operator ITBC, participation in fact-finding rounds, reception of a printed matter and joint advertising . Be registered now and get on the way to success.
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