Ghidul Serviciilor
Itbc - European Tour Operator
inapoi la firma 198 vizite
Poza Pateneriat
The representation of the company is the maximum form of co-operation. Having received the status of representative, your company receives naturally maximal benefits from cooperation. The representative sees the prices of Partners and Agents and can sell under these prices tours to Agencies or Tourists , those having discounts from prices. The sizes of these discounts are fixed individually. The representative can create and publish articles on our basic web site, to advertise tours and services to agencies ,registered in our system. To publish the schedules of arrivals and presence of empty seats. The representative receives promotional materials which can distribute among agencies or tourists. The representative can not only participate in advertising tours, but also create own tours under mark of Tour operator. The representative receives all necessary documents for getting an accreditation in consulates of the European countries and independently makes out visas to tourists. The representative can carry on negotiations on behalf of Tour operator ITBC and form the network of agencies. The representative will receive all the inquiries directed in ITBC from region, cities where to be Representation. The representative is published in all mass media and in the Internet as our official representative. You wish to become the Most successful Tour operator in the Region ,then be registered now.
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