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Lto Cursuri Online & Traduceri
inapoi la firma 1522 vizite
Poza Romanian one to one
Pret: 20 EUR

Call now and book a free trial lesson with a qualified native Romanian teacher !


Take a one-to-one course with a native Romanian teacher who can explain to you the more subtle issues of the language; including grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation, what to say and what not to say in certain real life situations.

Are you an expatriate living in Romania? Do you want to visit your friends or spend your holiday in Romania? Do you want to start a new business in Romania? Are you just curious about Romanian language and culture? Either way, what you are looking for is the online “Learn Romanian with a Native Teacher course” containing personalized lessons specially designed to meet your needs and interests.

What Language Training Online Has to offer

Why online? Because it is convenient, flexible and efficient:

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