Ghidul Serviciilor
Mondo Plast, Ilfov - Antene Tv Terestre, Antene Satelit,radio
inapoi la firma 245 vizite
Poza Transmitatoare/Receptoare optice semnal

Amplificator de casa 860MHz, iesire 30dB, hibrid, nivel iesire nominal 100dB, alimentare 220VAC/10W, tilt 0-18dB, atenuare 0-15dB, cale inversa 5-65MHz, 15dB

nextraCOM LH-8630RA - Bi-directional Indoor Amplifier   High compact circuit and aluminium-alloy, drawbench of surface, good index and fine outfit.. Performance characteristics • Adopt SOT-115 encapsulation RF module on access, reliable non-linear. Choose low-noise micro-wave push-Pull circuit, small distortion and high S/N ratio. • Set up EQ and ATT on the right place, more convenient of debugging • Small power consumption, high reliability, good performance and price ratio. Principle drawing Construction explanation1. RF, AC Input Port2. Forward Adjust EQ3. Forward Adjust ATT4. Return Adjust ATT5. RF Output Port6. RF Test Port7. Power Supply LED  Specifications:Forward TransmissionFrequency RangeMHz(47)87-860Rated GaindB30Min Fill GaindB≥30Rated Input LeveldBµV72±2dBRated Output LeveldBµV100Flatness in banddB±1Noise FiguredB≤10Return LossdB≥12C/CTB(84 PAL-D)dB≥57C/CSO (84 PAL-D)dB≥56Signal to alternative noise ratiodB≥66Gain stabilitydB≤±1.0Voltage strokeKV5Backward TransmissionFrequency RangeMHz5~(30)65Rated GaindB15Flatness in banddB±1Noise FiguredB≤12Return LossdB≥12MAX Output leveldBµV≥110Carrier to second order intermodulation ratiodB≥52Carrier to Alternative noise ratiodB≥66GeneralPower Voltage (50Hz)V16~60VPower ConsumptionVA10Dimensionmm178(L)x100(W)x55(H)

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