Ghidul Serviciilor
Mondo Plast - Distributie Sisteme De Supraveghere: Cctv, Audio/video, Camere Ip Bragadiru, Ilfov
inapoi la firma 230 vizite
Poza Antene DVBT receptoare digitale terestre

CardLink - UD02

Receptor terestru DVB-T USB, Full DVB-T 6/7/8MHz, permite receptionarea canalelor TV pe PC sau Laptop, inregistrare programata


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Description UD02 USB DVB-T Stick adopts the latest digital audio-video multimedia processing chipset, supports DVB-T digital TV signal receiving. DVB-T USB Receiver UD02 is fully compatible with ultra-portable plug-and-play, easy to install and use. Digital reception provides sharp TV pictures and near-CD quality audio and radio. Record your favorite programs in real-time with this DVB-T USB Receiver; There's even time-shifting and channel surfing capabilities! Enjoy DVB FTA (free-to-air) digital terrestrial TV and radio on your PC anytime and anywhere with this high-performance, compact design USB DVB-T Receiver!


SpecificationsInterface: USB2.0 InterfaceTV Tuner: 75Ohm (UHF/VHF) TV AntennaFrequency: 51-858 MHz tuning rangeCOFDM: 2K FFT or 8K FFT COFDM demodulator (Fully DVB-T compliant : ETS 300-744)Code rate: 1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6 and 7/8Constellation: QPSK, 16QAM, 64QAMBandWidth: 6,7 or 8 MHzRequirements:

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