Ghidul Serviciilor
Tapflo Rom
inapoi la firma 700 vizite
Poza Pompe peristaltice

1. Pump casing

2. Shoe

3. Hose

4. Suction side (inlet)

5. Discharge side (outlet)

The principle of operation of the pumping action in Tapflo hose pumps is achieved by pinching a circular loop of rubber tube with two diametrically opposed rotating wedges. Due to the rotational movement, the fluid in the tubes is pushed ahead of each wedge. When each wedge reaches the end of the loop, the hose is released and the wedge rotates n to the start of the loop to begin a new cycle.

As the wedge releases the reinforced tube, it immediately returns to its original shape, there by ensuring positive suction and priming. This construction makes it a smart and effective choice for a wide range of pump

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